USCCA Basic Handgun
$125 (Classes usually run 9am - 3pm)
Dates: TBA
The Basic Pistol class is for someone who wants to learn the proper way to safely and responsibly use handguns. Topics covered include: Firearm Basics (Revolver/ Pistol), What to look for when purchasing a firearm, Shooting Fundamentals, Gear and Gadgets, and Basic/Advanced Skills. Class size is limited to 6-8 people.
If interested, fb message or email us to reserve your seat!
Concealed Carry Fundamentals
Date: TBA
This concealed carry class will cover Maine Law, Use of Force, Situational Awareness and Avoidance, carry and holster options, and live fire exercises. We limit class size to 6 people for a more intimate and enhanced learning experience.
CQD 101 Handgun utilizes Simunition™ firearms teaching you the basic skills to increase your defensive capabilities in close quarter environments. Students will develop new skills including room clearing techniques, weapon manipulation, risk management, communication, and use of force decision making. Test your newly acquired skills against static targets. All equipment provided.
Prerequisites- Students should be able to demonstrate safe firearm handling skills.
What to bring- Sturdy footwear suitable for rapid movement and turning (no sandals or open toe), long pants, prescription glasses if needed, sturdy belt, pen/notepad
What not to bring- No Live ammo/firearms/weapons allowed in classroom.
Women's Tactical Defense
Next Class: TBA or call to schedule a private class!!!
Join us for some classroom and practical exercises. We focus on a lot of real-life scenarios and practical application.
Learn about: - Safety in public - Walking to your car
- Legal - What you can and cannot do!
Please click the SAFER image for free education!
We are currently taking a break from providing classes due to staffing constraints. We hope to re-institute these soon! Follow us on Facebook for more information! In the meantime:
Next Classes
Close Quarters Defense Pistol Class
Next date: TBA
If interested, contact Eric Kliem at:
(207) 602-8113
Carbine: $159
Pistol: $149
Taught by Region One Protective Services LLC at Liberty Tree Arms.
Close Quarters Defense Carbine & Pistol Classes!
These classes are currently on hold until renovations are complete.
Gun Owners of Maine offers the SAFER course. The course is free, online, and solid education
**Disclaimer: There is no hands on training for the SAFER course.